
Pretty in Pink & Wonky Log Cabins

Today it rained pretty much all day, so I had plenty of time to work on projects inside.  First off, I cleaned my craft room.  The last couple of weekends we have had company over and somehow my craft room turned into a space where we tossed anything that didn't have a home.  A room with a door, it was just too easy to shut the door on the mess.  As you can imagine, it was pretty cluttered!  Anyhow, I spent a bit of time tidying it up and putting everything in its proper place.  Once finished, I was pretty excited to finally turn my attention to the lovely little pile of pink, orange, yellow, and lime scraps that one of my bee-mates sent out for June.  We were asked to make 12.5" wonky log cabin blocks.  Any oh, were they wonky!

This was the first block that I made.  We were asked to try to only use each fabric once per block, and this block pretty much follows this request.  The elephant fabric was so cute, I just had to use it as the "centre" of each block.

This was the second block that I made.  I really loved how these colours looked together.  Total eye candy!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed this post when you linked your blog the other day. LOVE. And could care less about repeating fabric. That was really just to stop people from making more traditional log cabins.
