
Pretty in Pink Bee Blocks Complete!

Today I finished off the last blocks I had to make for my Pretty in Pink Bee.  It was a good year, and I really enjoyed seeing the different pink fabrics everyone had us work with.  It was also my first time as a "bee mama" which had its ups and downs, but above all I tried to maintain communication and keep everyone on track.  My only regret is the lovely fabric and blocks that were lost in the mail.  My fingers are crossed that they make it somewhere where they are appreciated.

Thank you everyone for being great bee-mates!

1 comment:

  1. thank you Sylvia for all of your hard work on the bee! I really appreciate you running it. I run two myself and trust me I understand the ups and downs. ;)

    Oh and I'm totally stealing your idea for a mosaic of the blocks from the year. I don't know why I didn't think of that. lol.
